
Haptic Jacket is a wearable haptic audio transfer device. This in progress device’s goal is to allow Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals to experience music through a jacket with vibrating motors associated to different frequencies in the music.

This project was awarded the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Grant.

I am profoundly Hard of Hearing and wanted to develop a device that was fashionable like headphones for hearing people to allow those that can’t hear music to feel music.

Design Research

Research was completed on the definition of hearing, dopamine stimulating vibrations of frequencies on arms, other devices previously developed, and implementation on a device similar to my idea. A total of a month and a half of research was done to thoroughly understand the goal before beginning the development process.


Countless scholar articles and others research documents were examined during this section of production.



To further advance this work, the frequencies will be separated into different vibrating motors based off of frequencies accessed by different instruments.

The development of the circuitry to allow the audio transfer into a haptic output is currently being implemented. An initial circuit has been completed, to allow frequencies 100Hz - 10,000Hz to be felt.